Snaps - Adhesive or Screw-In

Snaps - Adhesive or Screw-In

from $12.75

Sometimes more snaps are needed. You can order a 5-pack of adhesive or screw-in snaps.

Shipping costs included in pricing.

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Adhesive snap installation instructions:

Surface Preparation Instructions and Application Guidelines: Snap components will adhere to most clean, dry and well-unified surfaces. Typical surface cleaning solvents are a 50/50 Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol) water mixture. Let air dry or wipe dry with a soft lint-free cloth before applying the fastener. Remove the liner from the back of the disk. Position the snap and roll it into place. Press down on the snap working all the way around the snap and in the center to secure to substrate.

Note: Additional bond strength can be achieved using 3M™ Tape Primer 94 Adhesive Promoter (available at other online suppliers).

Application Pressure: Bond strength is dependent upon the amount of adhesive-to-surface contact developed. Firm application pressure develops a better adhesive contact and thus improves bond strength.

Application Temperature: Ideal tape application temperature range is 70ºF to 100ºF (21ºC to 38ºC).

Dwell Time: After applying these snaps, the bond strength increases and approaches the ultimate bond strength after 72 hours at 70ºF (21ºC). Typical bond strength build-up: 20 minutes equals 50% bond strength, one hour equals 75% bond strength, one day equals 90% bond strength, and three days equals 100% bond strength. This means that initially, the longer the snaps can be left without the covers attached, the better the bond strength will be.